A smart laboratory interface for exchanging precise laboratory test results. This procedure has automated the processing of lab testing findings and necessary permissions as well as has ensured that the results are sent back to the stakeholders in real time. The integration with Customs management system (ASYCUDA world) is intended to reform the customs clearance process and to speed up the clearance procedure for livestock related products. This user interface has simplified the entire process by reducing the administrative costs for national trade. Above all, this seamlessly integrated and organized information management system will save time as well as facilitate an efficient parallel report transfer.


Sample Registration

Smooth process of entering the sample information into the system with essential details for easy tracking and management throughout their journey in the laboratory.


Sample Collection

Easy sample collection and management with unique tagging, ensuring timely and accurate gathering of specimens from designated locations.


Sample Testing

Conduct comprehensive analyses on registered samples, following predefined protocols to deliver reliable and accurate results that drive informed decision-making.


Test Report

Autogenerate reports in the pre-defined approved report format that clearly summarize test findings, providing users with actionable insights generated from carefully executed testing processes.